Insomnia, Timothy grass allergy, Pap smear guidelines, anemia, solitary pulmonary nodules, and an interview with Jay Lee, the President of the California Academy of Family Physicians
Newborn respiratory distress, sitagliptin, oral appliance, over-the-counter oral contraceptives, leukocytosis, chewing gum, and gabapentin
Knee pain, pressure ulcers, CT angiogram, medical marijuana, the limping child, and our favorite ICD-10 codes
Dysuria, exercise for osteoarthritis, CBT, irritable bowel syndrome, and some of our favorite Tweets
Depression, fungal toenail, red eyelid, health literacy, transgender medicine, and an interview with Dr. Wanda Filer, President Elect of the American Academy of Family Physicians
Diabetes, polyarticular arthritis, tobacco, neuropathic pain, tinnitus, and an interview with Dr. Jay Siwek, Editor of American Family Physician